Friday, March 9, 2007

Having a beer at work!

Mmmmmm, beeeerrrrrrr. This is a particularly tasty one - New Belgium "Springboard Ale". Yummy!

My coworker pointed out that the words "virile potentate" don't appear in this blog, so I told him I'd remedy that situation. So there you have it. :)

Thursday, March 8, 2007

all tech support, all the time

I do tech support for the non-savvy-but-nice all day, and then my non-savvy-but-nice m-i-l calls me for tech support in the evenings.

In spite of it all, I love all y'all. :)

I love Session Beer!

Session beer made me gain a cup size - yay!!

I just love beer, don't you? Cheap beer, strong beer, fancy beer, everyday beer.

Mmmmmmm, beeer. :)

Exercise is good for cramps.

It seems counterintuitive, but it does seem to be true. I had bad cramps all day, and I went to the gym, and worked out good for about an hour today and the cramps are 80% gone. That's surprising to me, and pretty cool.